Snippets of Success
As time goes on, the internet seems to be turning into a large field of "sameness". Fresh, new ideas and concepts are quickly snapped up by competitors who want to ride on the tails of success of similar companies. These actions of copy cat behavior are not limited only to the internet, but the internet has made it very easy for individuals to take advantage of someone's hard work in order to create a business for themselves.
I know many small business owners who spent years perfecting a business, creating a unique company after much planning and research, only to have someone come by and take all they have created and put up their own "shop" sign without any of the hard work. Some have tried to be deceptive, ordering product from a company, to see exactly how things are done, and then attempt to duplicate the concept. Not only is this lazy, but in my opinion, ethically wrong. And....these people are typically found out which only hurts them in the long wrong.
If you want to work from home, and start your own home grown business, be creative! Be an individual and come up with some original ideas and concepts. While there may be many a business that has similarities, do not blatantly copy what is obviously a business born from originality, creativity and uniqueness. Believe in yourself and what you can create and call your own. You will feel better about yourself and see greater success.
Cyndi Webb is the founder of Moms Network -, an organization dedicated to the success and promotion of moms at home in business. She makes her home in Minnesota with her husband and two children. * The Moms Network Online Community currently operates ten websites, all of unique value and content, in order to broaden the reach to women from all walks of life and interests.
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