Parent & Child
Parent & Child
Anxious Kids: 6 Tips for Alleviating Their Stress
Childhood isn't all about puppy dogs, sunshine, and rainbows—there's a lot in our world that can make kids feel anxious. The next time your child comes to you with a worry or concern, knowing how to help alleviate his or her stress can make a tremendous difference.
Jul 26, 2010, 11:14
Parent & Child
The Classroom of Life: Six Essential Lessons to Teach Your Children
Kids grow up so fast. One day they are nervously starting their first day of kindergarten; the next they are throwing graduation caps in the air at high school commencement. Along the way, they will learn their ABC’s, geometry, American history - but don’t let academics be the only lessons your children learn. By helping them explore who they are and what their unique identities hold, you become your children’s greatest teacher. Here are 6 essential lessons you can pass onto them starting now.
Jul 23, 2010, 13:56
Parent & Child
Are You Preparing Your Kids Emotionally for College
We all know that there are many stages of parenting -- infancy, early childhood, adolescence, and so on. And along the way, parenting styles should change to respond best to what kids and teens need most from parents.
By the time kids are readying for college, parents need to be sure they're playing the right role---helping their children leave the nest and begin life as a young adult.
Are we helping them to become emotionally independent, self-reliant young adults? Or do we have a tendency to hang on, clinging to our kids in relationships that keep them tethered, as studies suggest?
Jul 19, 2010, 12:58
Parent & Child
Is Your Teen Driving Yet?: Humorist Describes How To REALLY Test Your Teen’s Driving Skills
My 13-year-old triplets are fond of reminding me that in about three years they will be driving. At times like these, I think perhaps electronic defibrillators should be standard issue with children – especially multiples.
Jul 16, 2010, 11:52
Parent & Child
Get Educated Now About Preventing Child Abductions and Molestations
Every day in America, over 2,000 children are reported missing. If you have a child: There is a 1 in 100 chance your child will become missing this year. Nearly 1 of 8 children are molested by the time they turn 18.
Jul 14, 2010, 15:20
Parent & Child
Top 12 Tips for Keeping Your Child Safe This Summer
1. Teach your children to avoid danger. They should be taught to recognize danger and know what to do in a threatening situation. There are a number of children’s organizations that provide education on this...
Jul 12, 2010, 19:00
Parent & Child
12 GOING ON 30: Young Girls Wearing Too Much Make-up
It is amazing how fast little girls are growing up; at times it's even frightening. What's a mom to do when her 12-year-old daughter wants to wear make-up?
Jul 12, 2010, 18:55
Parent & Child
Summer Brings More Pressure to Drink among Teens: Leading NYC Psychologist and Addiction Expert Offers a Refresher for Parents on Talking to Their Teens About Drinking
The summer is here and teens often have too much time on their hands when school is not in session. However it isn’t all fun and games. Parties and other events can bring on an increase in drinking among teenagers, says Dr. Stacey Rosenfeld, a New York City-based psychologist in private practice and on staff at Columbia University Medical Center.
Jul 11, 2010, 18:48