Frugal Living
Frugal Living
Money Saving Tips
1. Think Noah’s Arc, ~ go to warehouse clubs and food superstores in pairs. Love the idea of Superstores (especially the inexpensive price per unit), but know you’ll only use half of what you buy? Try pairing up with a friend and splitting both the costs and quantities to make your shopping more manageable and economical. **EXTRA MONEY SAVING TIP: Make a list before you go and stick to it, thus limiting those unplanned and often unnecessary purchases!
Jul 24, 2010, 14:03
Frugal Living
Recession-Proof Resilience: What Mothers Can Do to Help Their Kids—and Themselves—Stay Strong in Tough Times
These are the times that try moms’ souls. When you’re worried about job loss and keeping a roof over your family’s head, it’s hard to be an effective parent. Here are some practical strategies to help you and your kids deal with adversity (financial and otherwise).
Jul 3, 2010, 19:56
Frugal Living
Saving For Retirement: Make the Maximum Contribution to Your Retirement Plan & Retire Secure
Many people perhaps you feel they cannot afford to save for retirement. The truth is you may very well be able to afford to save, but you don t realize it.
Jun 13, 2007, 16:23
Frugal Living
Saving for Retirement: Compound and Grow Your Employer Matching Retirement Plan
If your employer offers a matching contribution to your retirement plan, the cardinal rule is: contribute whatever the employer is willing to match even if it is only a percentage of your contribution and not a dollar for dollar match.
Jun 13, 2007, 16:20
Frugal Living
Seven Household Budgeting Tips
Do you frequently get cash from ATMs and then have no idea where it ends up? Do you end up paying late fees simply because you don't have a good system in place for tracking and paying your bills? If you don't have a good budget system in place, it is easy to lose track of your hard earned money. The tips below can help you to keep your finances under control.
Jul 26, 2006, 20:53
Frugal Living
Cha-Ching! Tips for a Successful Day of Yard Sale Shopping
Yard sale season is now in full swing. For those of you who truly want to save money on your family’s expenses, yard sale shopping is a great way to find gently-used clothes, toys and household items for pennies on the dollar. Here are some tips for making your yard sale shopping trip as fun and profitable as possible.
Jun 6, 2006, 00:00
Frugal Living
Save Time and Find The Best Deals By Shopping Online
What if instead of going out to buy gifts for your loved once, the gifts came to your house directly? Think of all the time you could save if only you didn t have to go to four different malls to find that perfect gift you want for your child.
Jan 17, 2006, 00:09
Frugal Living
Being a Frugal Mom
This day and age it is very difficult for families to live off of one income. On the other hand its almost not worth the mother working when you have to pay all of your money out for groceries, gas and most of all babysitting. So a lot of moms are turning to the alternative of being a stay at home and cutting costs every way that they can.
Nov 6, 2005, 14:57
Frugal Living
Saving Strategies for Back-to-School Clothes and Supplies
It's that time of year again. summer vacation is coming to an end and children will be starting back to school soon. I guess you could say bargain hunting for the best price (and value) on school supplies and children's clothing has become an annual ritual for our family, but with four school-aged children we generally have to do whatever we can to keep costs down.
Nov 6, 2005, 13:52
Frugal Living
Yard Sale Etiquette
Just call me the Miss Manners of garage sales. You see, I believe there's a certain moral and ethical code governing the sacred act of selling and buying secondhand stuff.
May 17, 2005, 18:10