Money, Taxes & Small Business
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Tax Breaks You Don’t Want to Miss Out On
Perhaps the only exciting part of filing taxes is finding out whether you are due for a big tax refund from the IRS. Making sure you get every cent coming to you can take a lot of time and effort, and Better Business Bureau wants taxpayers to be aware of some commonly missed tax breaks that could translate into more money in your wallet this spring.
Mar 5, 2008, 11:59
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Tips for Effective Management of a Daycare Business
There is a lot of work attached to opening a daycare business. The list of things to do will seem overwhelming and unending. You have your research, your business plan, designing an area, acquiring staff, obtaining clients and countless other tasks.
Sep 20, 2007, 08:51
Money, Taxes & Small Business
IRA & Retirement Planning Mistakes: Don't Fall Victim to Bad IRA and Retirement Plan Advice
Clint Eastwood playing Dirty Harry warns, A man s got to know his limitations. This advice is particularly appropriate for financial planners and advisors who are giving advice beyond their expertise.
Jun 13, 2007, 16:40
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Income Tax Burdens For the Non-Spouse Beneficiary: Perils of Failing to Roll a 401k into an IRA
Have you heard about a stretch IRA and wondered if it was some special kind of IRA? Well, it isn't.
Jun 13, 2007, 16:16
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Online Coupons And Their Advantages
Online coupons are offered by online stores in order to give discounts off the regular price of the items the customers purchase. Coupons online can sometimes be limited to a particular store and a particular item or can be claimed in any chain of stores, depending on the store offering them.
Jun 13, 2007, 09:49
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Money Tips for Four, Six and Ten Year Olds
Your adult habits form in childhood, if a child starts the habit of taking a dollar and spending a dollar, that child is learning the habit of living paycheck to paycheck. But, if a child creates the habit of dividing their money before they spend, this will be as natural as walking and talking.
Mar 29, 2007, 23:09
Money, Taxes & Small Business
The Power of Podcasting: What Exhibitors Need To Know
What's the most precious commodity in the world? Nope. Not gold. Not platinum. Not uranium. Not diamonds. The most precious commodity in the world is not something you can mine, or harvest, or hoard in safety deposit boxes. The most precious commodity is something you have an almost endless supply of. Major industries go out of their way to get it from you. Entire trades have sprung up for the sole purpose of enticing you to part with yours. What is this precious thing? Why, it's your attention.
Mar 21, 2007, 09:53
Money, Taxes & Small Business
Time To Move Up From the Worn-Out Sales Brochure
I got another one of those calls the other day. . ."Can you make me a brochure?" Many business owners have been sold on the notion that they need a tri-fold brochure or they are not in business.
Mar 21, 2007, 09:37