Working Your Business
If you want to grow your business, there are 2 ways you can go about it.
Slow and fast.
Most people end up growing their business slowly. Now there's nothing wrong with slow. It's not easy to grow your business period, so even growing your business slowly is better than what a lot of entrepreneurs do.
So let's talk about fast. Another way to view growing your business quickly is by taking a quantum leap, which basically means you leap frog ahead versus taking your growth one step at a time.
Taking a quantum leap means transforming your business quickly. It means going from $200,000 to a million in a year. It means seeing opportunities fly to you effortlessly.
So if you want a quantum leap, how do you get one? Here are 3 steps to get you started:
1. Think big. Taking a quantum leap isn't going to work if you're thinking small. So the first thing you need to do is make sure you're thinking big. And, maybe even more than that, make sure you're READY for your business to BECOME big. If you're not comfortable or if there's some blocks or obstacles around you growing your business to its fullest potential, you'll never have a quantum leap.
2. Invest in yourself. There are different ways to invest in yourself. Do you need to build a team? Hire a consultant? Maybe you need to take time to go through a program or information product. Or you need to hire a coach or get into a coaching or mentorship program to move yourself ahead.
Money is a form of energy. And when you invest in a program or hiring a team, that could be the catalyst you need to move you forward in a big way. Because now you've put your money where your mouth is (so to speak). You're taking yourself and your business seriously by investing in yourself. So how do you know what you need to invest in? You know. You know right now what you need to invest in to grow your business. Whether or not you do it is another story.
3. Failures means you're moving in the right direction. What?? I can hear you all saying. Here's the thing. If you design your life and/or your business around never making a mistake, do you REALLY think you're stepping outside your comfort zone? If you're trying to never make mistakes, then there's no possible way you can ever have a quantum leap. Quantum leaps require you to think differently than you have before, to try something you never have. And when you do that, you may end up having a failure or two (or ten) along the way.
Successful people don't like failure anymore than you do. But they know if they don't get out there in big way and try new things, they won't be as successful overall, even though that means risking failure as well. It's a choice they make because they know the payoff is worth it.
One way to deal with failure is to look beyond it. Focus on the end goal, where you want to end up. Then, when the failures happen, you're not as concerned with them because you're looking past them to the where you want to be.
But the biggest part of taking a quantum leap is just to do it. Take a deep breath and jump. And believe the net will appear.
Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! Marketing strategist and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a copywriting and marketing agency. She helps entrepreneurs become more successful at attracting more clients, selling more products and services and boosting their business. To find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit her site at Copyright 2009 Michele Pariza Wacek.
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