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Something All My Own
By Jill Hart 
Jan 30, 2006, 19:04

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Owning my own business has taught me many things about myself. I’ve learned that I can make wise business decisions, I can manage the accounts and taxes for my company, and I can type with one hand while holding a sleeping 6 month old. All of these things have helped me develop into a much more confidant person. My business has also given me the freedom to test my limits and see what I can accomplish.

Running a home-based business has become a large part of my identity. Not in a selfish, “See what I can do!” way, but in a positive sense. It has given me the confidence to know that I accomplish things that I never thought possible. Before I was a work-at-home mom, I wanted to be able to be at home with my children, but I also felt that I needed more. I needed something for me alone that would make me feel strong and confident. I also needed the opportunity to keep in touch with others to avoid the isolation that often accompanies stay-at-home moms.

There are three keys areas in my life that I believe my home-based business has helped me develop:


When I began my website it truly was something for ME. I wanted to compile work at home information all in one spot so that I could find the perfect opportunity that would allow me to stay at home with my children. However, in running CWAHM I have found that I have a passion for helping other moms work from home.

My business has taught me that to succeed you must give to others and expect nothing in return. This may not seem like a sensible business technique, but it is a biblical principle. Put others before yourself, help others to succeed and you will be successful yourself.

Gina Neef with The MOM Team, told me recently, “I didn't realize I even wanted "something of my own" three years ago. When I began - it all unfolded… so nice to have my passion fueled.”


In college I was shy and very unsure of myself. I felt like there was not any one thing that I was truly good at. My grades were average, my athletic ability was average, and on and on. Being a successful business owner has opened my eyes to the fact that there are things that I am good at.

Melody Spier, owner of Ballyhoo Virtual Services, felt similarly. She states, “Owning a business has taught me so much about myself and my capabilities. I used to let fear of the unknown, fear of success and of failure hold me back, but now that I’m a business owner, I’ve learned that it’s okay to succeed at some things and fail at others. I take each experience and learn from it - what worked, what didn’t? Today if I want to do something but don’t know how, I find someone who has knowledge of the topic and I ask for help. Owning a business has taught me to believe in my skills and myself. My fear of success has long since vanished as well; I can now say that I’m proud to own a successful virtual assistant business.”  


Being a business owner has given me courage. Courage to take chances and go beyond my comfort level. Once I have a few successes behind me, I realized that I could do it all. Also, even my failures make me stronger. I found that my business didn’t shut down with each mistake I made and I always found a better way of doing things. Diana Ennen, president of Virtual Word Publishing, agrees. She states, “Owning my own business has inspired me to do more in all aspects of my life. I love the warmth of success so I try and take the right steps to achieve it. Just as I want the best for my family, I also want the best for my business as well. I’ll often find the courage to go the extra mile and reach far beyond what I think is possible and what I find is that most of the time, I reach those goals.”

Having “something all my own” has benefited me in many ways – passion, confidence, courage – and so much more. I’ve been inspired to do things that I never thought possible. If you desire to work from home you’ll find that it’s worth the time and effort that it takes to get started. Take the chance, step out on faith and work until you succeed.

Jill Hart is the author of the e-book, 2 Weeks Devotional Journey for Christian Work at Home Moms, and the founder and editor of Christian Work at Home Moms, This site is dedicated to providing work at home moms with opportunities to promote their businesses while at the same time providing them spiritual encouragement and articles.  Jill's work has been published across the internet, including She also has work published in the Xulon Press book, I'll Be Home For Christmas.   Visit for additional information. This article is free to reprint if the Author's Bio remains in tact. For additional articles, please contact Jill Hart. 

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